A file transfer system

Quick Start

In this section, we will describe how to install, config and start Bigfile.


The only thing Bigfile needs is Mysql, you should start mysql before starting Bigfile. You can follow the official guide to install it,


There are many ways to install Bigfile, just as follows.

from Binary

You can download the latest version from the release page.

from HomeBrew

If you work on MacOS, you can install Bigfile by brew.

brew install bigfile/tap/bigfile

from Snapcraft

Snaps are containerised software packages that are simple to create and install. They auto-update and are safe to run. More detailed information can be found in Official Documentation.

sudo snap install --classic bigfile

from deb/rpm

You can download the .dep or rpm file and install it by command dpkg -i or rpm -i.

from scoop

If you work on Windows platform, there is an alternative solution for installing Bigfile by scoop

scoop bucket add bigfile https://github.com/bigfile/bigfile-bucket.git

scoop install bigfile

from Source Code

Start Bigfile by go run command

go get -u -v github.com/bigfile/bigfile/artisan

go run artisan/bigfile.go --version

Install Bigfile by go install command. This will generate a executable binary file that’s named as artisan in ${GOPATH}/bin.

go install -a -v github.com/bigfile/bigfile/artisan

Build Bigfile by go build command

go build artisan/bigfile.go


Bigfile has a set of default configuration, Here it is:

  driver: mysql
  host: localhost
  user: root
  password: root
  port: 3306
  dbName: bigfile
    enable: true
    level: info
    format: '%{color:bold}[%{time:2006/01/02 15:04:05.000}] %{pid} %{level:.5s} %{color:reset} %{message}'
    enable: true
    path: storage/logs/bigfile.log
    level: warn
    format: '[%{time:2006/01/02 15:04:05.000}] %{pid} %{longfile} %{longfunc} %{callpath} ▶ %{level:.4s} %{message}'
    maxBytesPerFile: 52428800
  apiPrefix: /api/bigfile
  accessLogFile: storage/logs/bigfile.http.access.log
  limitRateByIPEnable: false
  limitRateByIPInterval: 1000
  limitRateByIPMaxNum: 100
  corsEnable: false
    - '*'
    - PUT
    - PATCH
    - DELETE
    - Origin
    - 'Content-Length'
  corsAllowCredentials: true
  corsAllowAllOrigins: false
  corsMaxAge: 3600
  rootPath: storage/chunks

Bigfiel will find configuration file in current directory, user home and /etc/bigfile. You need to place a file named .bigfile.yml in one of the directories.

If you just want to set database information, you can config it by command line.


like this:

bigfile --db-host --db-name bigfile_tesg ftp:start --tls-enable --cert-file server.pem --key-file server.key


After installation and configuration, it’s time to run Bigfile. Bigfile has three services: HTTP Server, RPC Server and FTP Server, you need to start them separately.

Before running Bigfile, we recommend to generate a series of certificates to use tls/ssl. We provide a simple command for this:

bigfile rpc:make-cert


After this command, six certificate files will be generated in the corresponding directory on the host. The certificate authority is prefixed with ca. Only the certificate authority has the qualification to issue the certificate. The certificate generated by us is a self-signed certificate. The self-signed certificate is generally not trusted by the system, but you can add it to the system for trust. The server certificate is prefixed with server, and the server certificate can be added with a trusted IP, specified by the parameter --server-cert-ips. Client-prefixed for the client, this is mainly used in the RPC service to achieve double-ended authentication. The .pem suffix indicates the PEM-encoded certificate file, and the .key suffix indicates the certificate key.

Start HTTP Server

bigfile http:start --cert-file server.pem --cert-key server.key


Start RPC Server

bigfile rpc:start --ca-cert ca.pem --server-cert server.pem --server-key server.key


Start FTP Server

bigfile ftp:start --tls-enable --cert-file server.pem --key-file server.key



If you are a Docker enthusiast, we have built an official image, you can find a more detailed manual https://hub.docker.com/r/bigfile/bigfile.