A file transfer system


The http protocol is the first protocol we implemented. In this way, most languages can access Bigfile at almost no cost. In http protocol, we have the following characteristics:

  1. record every access rquest (default: enable)
  2. parameter signature verification (default: enable)
  3. rate limit by ip (default: disable)
  4. prevent replay attacks (default: enable)
  5. support cors (default: disable)

Next, we will make an example of the use of each API.

Start Http Server

You can start the http service with the Bigfile command line tool, like this:

bigfile http:start --cert-file bigfile.pem --cert-key bigfile.key

After the startup is successful, you will see a message.

[2019/09/09 09:10:41.078] 14412 INFO  bigfile http service listening on:

You can view the current http supported routes in the following way.

bigfile http:routes   

This command will render a table that contains the method, path and handler.

| METHOD |            PATH             |                       HANDLER                        |
| POST   | /api/bigfile/token/create   | github.com/bigfile/bigfile/http.TokenCreateHandler   |
| POST   | /api/bigfile/file/create    | github.com/bigfile/bigfile/http.FileCreateHandler    |
| PATCH  | /api/bigfile/token/update   | github.com/bigfile/bigfile/http.TokenUpdateHandler   |
| PATCH  | /api/bigfile/file/update    | github.com/bigfile/bigfile/http.FileUpdateHandler    |
| DELETE | /api/bigfile/token/delete   | github.com/bigfile/bigfile/http.TokenDeleteHandler   |
| DELETE | /api/bigfile/file/delete    | github.com/bigfile/bigfile/http.FileDeleteHandler    |
| GET    | /api/bigfile/file/read      | github.com/bigfile/bigfile/http.FileReadHandler      |
| GET    | /api/bigfile/directory/list | github.com/bigfile/bigfile/http.DirectoryListHandler |

Parameter Signature

Before you start using it, what you need to know is how to sign the parameters. The rules are actually very simple. All parameters, except binary data, are sorted alphabetically, forming key-value pairs in the form of Key=Value, then using & matching, finally concating the password, and then performing an MD5 calculation, which is over.

for example,you password is 46afc3607a93ac410357a8ed53a872b8, and you have these parameters, name=bigfile, age=25, and gender=body.

After sort and concat is: age=25&gender=body&name=bigfile46afc3607a93ac410357a8ed53a872b8

Running the md5 algorithm, pseudo code is: md5("age=25&gender=body&name=bigfile46afc3607a93ac410357a8ed53a872b8"). Assume the result is f8f2ae1fe4f70b788254dcc991a35558.

Then you should submit these parameters: age=25&gender=body&name=bigfile&sign=f8f2ae1fe4f70b788254dcc991a35558.

Very simple, isn’t it?

Token Create

Creating a Token is the beginning of all subsequent operations. Before we start, let’s take a look at the parameters of this API.

name type required description
appUid string yes app uid
nonce string yes a random string, length: 32-48
sign string yes the signature of parameters
path string no default: /, the scope of token
ip string no limit the ip that uses this token, multiple ips separated by commas
expiredAt timestamp no default permanent
secret string no token secret, length: 12-32
availableTimes int no default permanent
readOnly bool no whether this token is only be used to download file

For security, we recommend setting the expiration time and scope for each token. Let’s look at a complete example:

package main

import (
	libHttp "net/http"


func main() {
	appUid := "42c4fcc1a620c9e97188f50b6f2ab199"
	appSecret := "f8f2ae1fe4f70b788254dcc991a35558"
	body := http.GetParamsSignBody(map[string]interface{}{
		"appUid":         appUid,
		"nonce":          models.RandomWithMd5(128),
		"path":           "/images/png",
		"expiredAt":      time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 2).Unix(),
		"secret":         models.RandomWithMd5(44),
		"availableTimes": -1,
		"readOnly":       false,
	}, appSecret)
	request, err := libHttp.NewRequest(
		"POST", "", strings.NewReader(body))
	if err != nil {
	request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	resp, err := libHttp.DefaultClient.Do(request)
	if err != nil {
	if bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err != nil {
	} else {

After request, you will get a response like this:


Token Update

When a token is created, we can update it as needed. Let’s take a look at the parameters of this API. In addition to which token needs to be pointed out, the other parameters are almost indentical to the creation of the token.

name type required description
appUid string yes app uid
token string yes the token needs to be updated
nonce string yes a random string, length: 32-48
sign string yes the signature of parameters
path string no default: /, the scope of token
ip string no limit the ip that uses this token, multiple ips separated by commas
expiredAt timestamp no default permanent
secret string no token secret, length: 12-32
availableTimes int no default permanent
readOnly bool no whether this token is only be used to download file

There’s a complete exmaple:

package main

import (
	libHttp "net/http"


func main() {
	appUid := "42c4fcc1a620c9e97188f50b6f2ab199"
	appSecret := "f8f2ae1fe4f70b788254dcc991a35558"
	body := http.GetParamsSignBody(map[string]interface{}{
		"appUid":         appUid,
		"token":          "4d50ae8061c1d6f148a45031356294bd",
		"nonce":          models.RandomWithMd5(128),
		"path":           "/images/png",
		"expiredAt":      time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 10).Unix(),
		"secret":         models.RandomWithMd5(44),
		"availableTimes": -1,
		"readOnly":       false,
	}, appSecret)
	request, err := libHttp.NewRequest(
		libHttp.MethodPatch, "", strings.NewReader(body))
	if err != nil {
	request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	resp, err := libHttp.DefaultClient.Do(request)
	if err != nil {
	if bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err != nil {
	} else {

After request, you will get a response like this:


In this example, we update the expired time. Note that the Http method is PATCH here.

Token Delete

When a token is no longer used, we should delete it. The pamameters for deleting a token is very simple.

name type required description
appUid string yes app uid
token string yes the token needs to be updated
nonce string yes a random string, length: 32-48
sign string yes the signature of parameters

But you need to pay attention to is that HTTP method here is DELETE, and according to the HTTP protocol, the body is not parsed in the delete method, so we should put the parameters in the query string. A complete example is as follow:

package main

import (
	libHttp "net/http"


func main() {
	appUid := "42c4fcc1a620c9e97188f50b6f2ab199"
	appSecret := "f8f2ae1fe4f70b788254dcc991a35558"
	qs := http.GetParamsSignBody(map[string]interface{}{
		"appUid": appUid,
		"token":  "4d50ae8061c1d6f148a45031356294bd",
		"nonce":  models.RandomWithMd5(128),
	}, appSecret)
	url := "" + qs
	request, err := libHttp.NewRequest(libHttp.MethodDelete, url, strings.NewReader(""))
	if err != nil {
	resp, err := libHttp.DefaultClient.Do(request)
	if err != nil {
	if bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err != nil {
	} else {

After request, you will get a response like this:


The field deletedAt is existed and not null, indicating that the token has been deleted.

In the next examples, if your token doesn’t have a password, you don’t have to sign it.

File Create

In Bigfile, file and directory both are considered to be File, so with this API, you can upload files or create dirctories.

name type required description
token string yes token value
nonce string yes a random string, length: 32-48
path string yes the file storage path, it’s relative to the path of token
sign string no the signature of parameters. it’s required if the token has password
hash string no the hash of file, based on sha256 algorithm
size int no the size of file
overwrite bool no indicates that the file is overwritten if it exists
rename bool no indicates that the file is renamed if it exists
append bool no indicates that the file is appended if it exists
hidden bool no Indicates whether the file is hidden or not, and the hidden file cannot be downloaded.
package main

import (
	libHttp "net/http"


func main() {
	token := "49f92acd696260abba1bc4062d157199"
	tokenSecret := "9bcac735fd7f25947a3909998420affa"

	file, err := os.Open("/Users/fudenglong/Downloads/WechatIMG455.jpeg")
	if err != nil {
	for index := 0; ; index++ {
		var (
			err            error
			body           = new(bytes.Buffer)
			chunk          = make([]byte, models.ChunkSize)
			request        *libHttp.Request
			readCount      int
			formBodyWriter = multipart.NewWriter(body)
			formFileWriter io.Writer
		if readCount, err = file.Read(chunk); err != nil {
		params := map[string]interface{}{
			"token": token,
			"path":  "/profile/WechatIMG455.jpeg",
			"nonce": models.RandomWithMd5(255),
		if index == 0 {
			params["overwrite"] = "1"
		} else {
			params["append"] = "1"
		params["sign"] = http.GetParamsSignature(params, tokenSecret)
		for k, v := range params {
			if err = formBodyWriter.WriteField(k, v.(string)); err != nil {
		if formFileWriter, err = formBodyWriter.CreateFormFile("file", "random.bytes"); err != nil {
		if _, err = formFileWriter.Write(chunk[:readCount]); err != nil {
		if err = formBodyWriter.Close(); err != nil {

		api := ""
		if request, err = libHttp.NewRequest(libHttp.MethodPost, api, body); err != nil {
		request.Header.Set("Content-Type", formBodyWriter.FormDataContentType())
		resp, err := libHttp.DefaultClient.Do(request)
		if err != nil {

		if bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err != nil {
		} else {


In this example, we uploaded a 4.7MB image. Since Bigfile only allows a maximum of 1MB of files to be uploded, we split the file into 1MB pieces and upload it. Moreover, when uploading the first chunk, if the specified path already exists, we overwrite it. Subsequent chunks can be appended to the path.

In this upload, we will get 5 responses,let’s see the last response:


From the response we can see that the file is stored in path /images/png/profile/WechatIMG455.jpeg. And the hash of the whole file is 9536467bde347627e27634a77963105a045f624e290b0f2bbc342834abdd4593. This can be used by us to verify the integrity of the file. isDir=0 indicates we create a file, not directory. When you don’t set the file field, you will create a directory. Let’s see a example:

package main

import (
	libHttp "net/http"


func main() {
	var (
		err            error
		body           = new(bytes.Buffer)
		request        *libHttp.Request
		token          = "49f92acd696260abba1bc4062d157199"
		tokenSecret    = "9bcac735fd7f25947a3909998420affa"
		formBodyWriter = multipart.NewWriter(body)
	params := map[string]interface{}{
		"token": token,
		"path":  "/profiles",
		"nonce": models.RandomWithMd5(255),
	params["sign"] = http.GetParamsSignature(params, tokenSecret)
	for k, v := range params {
		if err = formBodyWriter.WriteField(k, v.(string)); err != nil {
	if err = formBodyWriter.Close(); err != nil {

	api := ""
	if request, err = libHttp.NewRequest(libHttp.MethodPost, api, body); err != nil {
	request.Header.Set("Content-Type", formBodyWriter.FormDataContentType())
	resp, err := libHttp.DefaultClient.Do(request)
	if err != nil {

	if bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err != nil {
	} else {

This will get a different response than uploading the file.


File Update

After the file is uploaded, we can update a file, mainly used to move the file to another path, let’s try.

name type required description
token string yes the token that can access to this file
fileUid string yes file uid
nonce string yes a random string, length: 32-48
path string no the file storage path, it’s relative to the path of token
sign string no the signature of parameters. it’s required if the token has password
hidden bool no Indicates whether the file is hidden or not, and the hidden file cannot be downloaded.
package main

import (
	libHttp "net/http"


func main() {
	token := "49f92acd696260abba1bc4062d157199"
	tokenSecret := "9bcac735fd7f25947a3909998420affa"
	body := http.GetParamsSignBody(map[string]interface{}{
		"token":   token,
		"fileUid": "64c8a8ecd911630acf1dc26e8319f2dd",
		"nonce":   models.RandomWithMd5(128),
		"path":    "/profile/profile.jpeg",
	}, tokenSecret)
	request, err := libHttp.NewRequest(
		libHttp.MethodPatch, "", strings.NewReader(body))
	if err != nil {
	request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	resp, err := libHttp.DefaultClient.Do(request)
	if err != nil {
	if bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err != nil {
	} else {

We will get a response like this:


As you can see from the above results, the file is moved to another path, but the file uid never changes.

File Read

File Read is used to download a file, the file is automatically downloaded when you open the download URL in your browser. If you want to preview the file in your browser, you can set openInBrowser to true.

File Read also supports HTTP range requests, but only for Single part ranges.

name type required description
token string yes the token that can access to this file
fileUid string yes file uid
nonce string no a random string, length: 32-48
sign string no the signature of parameters. it’s required if the token has password
openInBrowser bool no preview the file in your browser

Since my token has a password, I need to sign it to generate a download link.

Directory List

As the name suggests, is used to view the contents of the directory. Which will list all subdirectories and files in the directory.

name type required description
token string yes the token that can access to this file
nonce string yes a random string, length: 32-48
sign string no the signature of parameters. it’s required if the token has password
subDir string no default: /, list the path of the token
sort string no default: -type, eg: -type, name, -name, time and -time
limit int no default: 10, min: 10, max: 20
offset int no default: 0

The directory may be made up of a lot of content, so we need to get them by pagination.

package main

import (
	libHttp "net/http"


func main() {
	var (
		err         error
		request     *libHttp.Request
		token       = "49f92acd696260abba1bc4062d157199"
		tokenSecret = "9bcac735fd7f25947a3909998420affa"
	params := map[string]interface{}{
		"token": token,
		"nonce": models.RandomWithMd5(255),
	body := http.GetParamsSignBody(params, tokenSecret)

	api := "" + body
	if request, err = libHttp.NewRequest(libHttp.MethodGet, api, strings.NewReader("")); err != nil {
	resp, err := libHttp.DefaultClient.Do(request)
	if err != nil {

	if bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err != nil {
	} else {

We will get such a response:


But did not see the file we just created, because it’s not in the /images/png directory. If you want to list it, you need to set the param subDir=/profile. If you try, you will get the following results:


File Delete

File Delete will delete a directory or file. When you delete the directory, you need to be very careful, you may delete all the files in the directory. Deleted files and directories are actually recoverable, but at the moment, we have not developed the trash can function.

name type required description
token string yes the token that can access to this file
nonce string yes a random string, length: 32-48
fileUid string yes the file uid
force string no default: false, Force deletion of non-empty subdirectories

Let’s delete the image we just created:

package main

import (
	libHttp "net/http"


func main() {
	var (
		err         error
		request     *libHttp.Request
		token       = "49f92acd696260abba1bc4062d157199"
		tokenSecret = "9bcac735fd7f25947a3909998420affa"
	params := map[string]interface{}{
		"token":   token,
		"nonce":   models.RandomWithMd5(255),
		"fileUid": "64c8a8ecd911630acf1dc26e8319f2dd",
	body := http.GetParamsSignBody(params, tokenSecret)

	api := "" + body
	if request, err = libHttp.NewRequest(libHttp.MethodDelete, api, strings.NewReader("")); err != nil {
	resp, err := libHttp.DefaultClient.Do(request)
	if err != nil {

	if bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err != nil {
	} else {

Here we will get:


The field deletedAt exists and not null, indicates the has already been deleted. You can call the /directory/list to validate it. No accident, this will get:

